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tamoadmin 2024-05-19 人已围观

简介1.关于沃尔沃汽车全英文介绍Name: BMW 7 series is models of 2010 750Li manufacturers guided prices (yuan) : 205.80 million levels: luxury car engine: 4.4 T 407 horsepower V8 long x width x high (mm) : 5212 * 1902 *



Name: BMW 7 series is models of 2010 750Li manufacturers guided prices (yuan) : 205.80 million levels: luxury car engine: 4.4 T 407 horsepower V8 long x width x high (mm) : 5212 * 1902 * SanXiang 1478 bodywork: car emissions (L) : 4.4 working way: turbocharged maximum torque (N · m) : the 750Li equipment 600 BMW lane departure warning system and night vision system auxiliary safety equipment. In order to improve the low-speed driving or parking safety, this car, and not only a reverse images in front wing son on both sides of the plate on are equipped with cameras, drivers can be observed by central big-screen on both sides. In the other car this is usually a driver's blind spots. 车型名称: 宝马7系 2010款 750Li 厂商指导价(元): 205.80万 级别: 豪华车 发动机: 4.4T 407马力 V8 长×宽×高(mm): 5212*1902*1478 车身结构: 三厢车 排量(L): 4.4 工作方式: 涡轮增压 最大扭矩(N·m): 600 宝马750Li装备了车道偏离报警系统和夜视系统等辅助安全设备。 为了提高低速行驶或泊车时的安全性,这款车不仅有倒车影像,而且在两侧的前轮翼子板上也装备了摄像头,驾驶者可通过中控台大屏幕观察两侧情况。在其他车上这通常是驾驶员的盲区。


The modern Mercedes-Benz traced its lineage to a 1926 merger of two car companies, Daimler-Motored-Gesellschaft or DMG, founded by Gottlieb Daimler (along with Wilhelm Maybach), and Benz & Cie, founded by Karl Benz. After World War I, the German economy was in tatters, and to survive, the two companies formed a syndicate in 1924, where they would continue to sell their separate brands but would standardize design, share purchasing and advertising. In 1926, however, the two companies merged into Daimler-Benz.

The name “Mercedes” came about in 1900. A wealthy European businessman and racing enthusiast named Emil Jellinek began selling Daimler’s cars. He wanted a faster car, and specified a new engine to be designed by Maybach and to be named after his 10-year-old daughter’s nickname, Mercédès or Spanish for “Mercy”.Later, Jellinek would add Mercedes to his own and became Emil Jellinek-Mercedes.

After the merger, a new logo was designed. It combined the symbols of the two companies: the three-pointed star of DMG and the laurel wreath of Benz.


现代梅赛德斯-奔驰的历史可以一直追溯到1926年合并的两家汽车公司——戈特利布?6?1戴姆勒(与威廉?6?1梅巴赫)创建的戴姆勒汽车公司(简称DMG)和卡尔?6?1本茨创建的Benz & Cie公司。一战结束后,德国经济萧条,为了生存,这两家公司于1924年形成一个联盟,在该联盟中他们可以继续卖各自的品牌,但是必须使设计标准化,并共同进行采购和投放广告。不过到了1926年,这两家公司合并成为戴姆勒-奔驰。





Volvo (Volvo) car company Swedish Volvo (Volvo) Automobile Company, founded in 1927, is headquartered in Gothenburg Sweden. Currently in the world with over 25,000 employees. So far, Volvo Car Corporation, the total number of cars produced more than 14476279. There are still 8 million vehicles traveling all over the world. Volvo as a brand-traversed 80 Volvo is Latin, meaning "rolling forward." In 1927 for the first Volvo car before it is a ball bearing the brand name. The Volvo car is a symbol of a circle and arrow ramps, which represents the steel industry. This mark from the initial design of the durability and because of the famous Swedish iron and steel industry. Since then, throughout the world, representatives of the iron and steel industry of this symbol also become synonymous with Volvo. The Volvo, a modern enterprise representatives Volvo brand also made by the customer the safety, quality and design of three commitments. In 2006, the representatives of the iron and steel industry to become the symbol and Volvo Car Corporation, Volvo Group common signs. Volvo Car Corporation, goals One of the world's most successful luxury car brand. Volvo Cars mission Modern families of the safest, the most passionate car occupants that they had to experience. Volvo Car Corporation, classical product line Volvo car models into all classic cars (S Series), Business wagon (V lines), SUV / sports cars (XC lines) and Cabriolet / two-door coupe (C) four series. In addition, the letter "R" as the representative of high-performance sports car series. Company's product strategy is the use of technology to create the global sharing of the many models of cars to meet the needs of different customer groups. S of the main products include: S80 sedan, the S60 coupe, S40 sedan; V of the main products include: V70, V50; C of the main products include: C70 convertible coupe, the new C30; XC of the main products include: XC70, XC90. In 2007 North American International Auto Show, Volvo Car Corporation, launched the XC60 concept car, Volvo XC60 concept Juji XC series of unique versatility and intrepid car animation in a charm, with its similar sculpture, a dynamic passionate appearance, and displayed the future Volvo models of innovative design elements. In January 2006 at the Detroit International Auto Show first exhibition of the C30 concept car, Volvo Car Corporation, also in Paris auto show display to the global audience a brand new C30 volume production models, marks the formal entry into the Volvo car two luxury car market. New C30 specifically for the vitality of the young elite to build. In 2005, the new C70 introduced. C70 has hardtop is a true four roadster. It not only look fashionable, even excellent driving performance, the occupants romantic atmosphere, the concept of environmental protection ahead of the safety and excellent performance into one. Volvo Car Corporation, the core values Safety, quality and environmental protection as Volvo Car Corporation's core values, and penetration in the company's operations, product development and working attitude of. In order to create the world's most secure vehicles, Volvo Car Corporation, established the world's most advanced security centers, sections of which are produced by the company car here must withstand an impact test. The center is almost true depicts real life in all types of vehicle impact accidents.


The Volvo Cars Corporation subordinate company uses a car department and carry a heavy car department, big passenger car department, zero parts departments, department and small passenger car subsidiary etc. of the car sales.The product all inclusive of Volvo Cars Corporation, but the main product is still a car.The factory of Carl 玛 of that company is the one and only factory in the world.It locates Swedish song virtuous fortress, layout elephant 1 three leaf grass pattern, along three leafs the edge of the grass contain 25 work stations, each station is responsible for one part of car assemble work prefaces, the car transports device automatically under the tiny machine control up round grass a leaf to wind around movement, be finish walking this 25 work stations, produce a beautiful car.The rate of production of this factory comes out in front with assemble quality at Volvo each factory of company.The characteristics of this factory is 10-25 people to be responsible for a work area, as long as in the provision time provision of the car sends to another buffer area from a buffer area, other work everyones can from make the decision a piece.As a result worker the liberation comes out from the machine back and forth type labor, stiring up the labor of the worker enthusiasm.This kind of mode of production is after the line mode of production of the Ford flowing water of another graveness change, causing industry field in the world to pay attention to biggest.

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